MAC 441/5714 - Tópicos de Programação Orientada a Objetos

Aula 4 - 18/03/2004

Introdução a Smalltalk

"Smalltalk is by far the best programming language available. The Family of C programming languages has been evolving toward Smalltalk-like functionality for the past 25 years. Java is the most Smalltalk-like of the C family, removing the direct pointer manipulation of C++ and adding fully integrated garbage collection. Smalltalk provides a simpler syntax, consistency between class and instance behavior, much higher productivity and easier maintainability. This makes it the logical next choice for current Java developers and the logical choice for businesses interested in reducing their total cost of ownership for software systems." (Allen B. Davis)

Um Pouco do Ambiente de Desenvolvimento

Mensagens Encadeadas

Mensagens em Cascata

Um detalhe importante: a mensagem yourself

Nomes para Métodos e outros Elementos


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