F E R N A N D O- I A Z Z E T T A

Composer, researcher and professor of Electroacoustic Music at the Music Department of the University of São Paulo where he coordinates the Laboratório de Acústica Musical e Informática (LAMI).

He holds a Percussion degree from the Institute of Arts of the Sao Paulo State University and a Doctoral degree in Communication and Semiotics from the Catholic University of São Paulo with a thesis entitled "Sons de Silício: Corpos e Máquinas Fazendo Música" (Silicon Sounds: Bodies and Machines Making Music).

During 1994-95 he visited the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) at the University of California, Berkeley where he developed a research on interactive music systems.

In 2003 he received a grant to spend two months as a visiting researcher at the Electronic Music Studios at the Music Faculty of the McGill University in Montreal.

As a composer he has written for different instrumental ensembles as well as for electronic media. His research is directed towards the study of new forms of music technology and music interaction.

He is the author of the book Música: Processo e Dinâmica (AnnaBlume, 1993) and other texts about music.