# "Estudo II" by Wilson Cerqueira Ferreira (Oct/2004) # Please change "stage1:4434" to a stage listed in "Availabe stages". andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent synth2; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent synth1; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent hatz; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent cymbals; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent snare; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent bass; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent kick; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent ride; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent toms; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent fx; andante.apps.noiseweaver.NoiseAgent tzin; # Please change "stage1:4434" to a stage listed in "Availabe stages": Stage s1 stage1:4434; -- synth2 setProperty Channel "3"; synth2 setProperty CustomScale "0 2 6 7"; synth2 setProperty DurationGenerator "Constant"; synth2 setProperty DurationMax "16"; synth2 setProperty DurationMin "16"; synth2 setProperty Instrument "55"; synth2 setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; synth2 setProperty IntensityMax "110"; synth2 setProperty IntensityMin "80"; synth2 setProperty Pan "64"; synth2 setProperty PitchGenerator "White"; synth2 setProperty Reverb "64"; synth2 setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; synth2 setProperty ScaleLength "4"; synth2 setProperty ScaleStart "82"; synth2 setProperty Volume "80"; fx setProperty Channel "4"; fx setProperty CustomScale "0 2 6 7"; fx setProperty DurationGenerator "Constant"; fx setProperty DurationMax "1"; fx setProperty DurationMin "1"; fx setProperty Instrument "113"; fx setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; fx setProperty IntensityMax "110"; fx setProperty IntensityMin "80"; fx setProperty Pan "64"; fx setProperty PitchGenerator "White"; fx setProperty Reverb "64"; fx setProperty Scale "WholeTone"; fx setProperty ScaleLength "20"; fx setProperty ScaleStart "60"; fx setProperty Volume "60"; synth1 setProperty Channel "2"; synth1 setProperty CustomScale "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"; synth1 setProperty DurationGenerator "Pink"; synth1 setProperty DurationMax "1"; synth1 setProperty DurationMin "1"; synth1 setProperty Instrument "86"; synth1 setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; synth1 setProperty IntensityMax "110"; synth1 setProperty IntensityMin "80"; synth1 setProperty Pan "64"; synth1 setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; synth1 setProperty Reverb "64"; synth1 setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; synth1 setProperty ScaleLength "14"; synth1 setProperty ScaleStart "60"; synth1 setProperty Volume "70"; hatz setProperty Channel "9"; hatz setProperty CustomScale "8"; hatz setProperty DurationGenerator "Constant"; hatz setProperty DurationMax "1"; hatz setProperty DurationMin "1"; hatz setProperty Instrument "1"; hatz setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; hatz setProperty IntensityMax "80"; hatz setProperty IntensityMin "50"; hatz setProperty Pan "64"; hatz setProperty PitchGenerator "Brownian"; hatz setProperty Reverb "64"; hatz setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; hatz setProperty ScaleLength "3"; hatz setProperty ScaleStart "42"; hatz setProperty Volume "100"; cymbals setProperty Channel "9"; cymbals setProperty CustomScale "0 3 6 7 8 9"; cymbals setProperty DurationGenerator "White"; cymbals setProperty DurationMax "6"; cymbals setProperty DurationMin "1"; cymbals setProperty Instrument "1"; cymbals setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; cymbals setProperty IntensityMax "127"; cymbals setProperty IntensityMin "115"; cymbals setProperty Pan "115"; cymbals setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; cymbals setProperty Reverb "64"; cymbals setProperty Scale "Custom"; cymbals setProperty ScaleLength "1"; cymbals setProperty ScaleStart "49"; cymbals setProperty Volume "80"; snare setProperty Channel "9"; snare setProperty CustomScale "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"; snare setProperty DurationGenerator "Constant"; snare setProperty DurationMax "8"; snare setProperty DurationMin "8"; snare setProperty Instrument "1"; snare setProperty IntensityGenerator "Constant"; snare setProperty IntensityMax "90"; snare setProperty IntensityMin "90"; snare setProperty Pan "66"; snare setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; snare setProperty Reverb "64"; snare setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; snare setProperty ScaleLength "1"; snare setProperty ScaleStart "40"; snare setProperty Volume "80"; bass setProperty Channel "1"; bass setProperty CustomScale "0"; bass setProperty DurationGenerator "Constant"; bass setProperty DurationMax "2"; bass setProperty DurationMin "2"; bass setProperty Instrument "38"; bass setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; bass setProperty IntensityMax "110"; bass setProperty IntensityMin "90"; bass setProperty Pan "64"; bass setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; bass setProperty Reverb "64"; bass setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; bass setProperty ScaleLength "1"; bass setProperty ScaleStart "24"; bass setProperty Volume "90"; kick setProperty Channel "9"; kick setProperty CustomScale "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"; kick setProperty DurationGenerator "Constant"; kick setProperty DurationMax "4"; kick setProperty DurationMin "4"; kick setProperty Instrument "1"; kick setProperty IntensityGenerator "Constant"; kick setProperty IntensityMax "110"; kick setProperty IntensityMin "110"; kick setProperty Pan "64"; kick setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; kick setProperty Reverb "0"; kick setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; kick setProperty ScaleLength "1"; kick setProperty ScaleStart "36"; kick setProperty Volume "100"; ride setProperty Channel "9"; ride setProperty CustomScale "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"; ride setProperty DurationGenerator "Pink"; ride setProperty DurationMax "4"; ride setProperty DurationMin "1"; ride setProperty Instrument "1"; ride setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; ride setProperty IntensityMax "110"; ride setProperty IntensityMin "90"; ride setProperty Pan "30"; ride setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; ride setProperty Reverb "64"; ride setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; ride setProperty ScaleLength "3"; ride setProperty ScaleStart "51"; ride setProperty Volume "80"; toms setProperty Channel "9"; toms setProperty CustomScale "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"; toms setProperty DurationGenerator "Pink"; toms setProperty DurationMax "5"; toms setProperty DurationMin "1"; toms setProperty Instrument "1"; toms setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; toms setProperty IntensityMax "110"; toms setProperty IntensityMin "80"; toms setProperty Pan "64"; toms setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; toms setProperty Reverb "64"; toms setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; toms setProperty ScaleLength "14"; toms setProperty ScaleStart "60"; toms setProperty Volume "80"; tzin setProperty Channel "5"; tzin setProperty CustomScale "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"; tzin setProperty DurationGenerator "Pink"; tzin setProperty DurationMax "15"; tzin setProperty DurationMin "15"; tzin setProperty Instrument "94"; tzin setProperty IntensityGenerator "Pink"; tzin setProperty IntensityMax "110"; tzin setProperty IntensityMin "80"; tzin setProperty Pan "64"; tzin setProperty PitchGenerator "Pink"; tzin setProperty Reverb "64"; tzin setProperty Scale "Diatonic"; tzin setProperty ScaleLength "1"; tzin setProperty ScaleStart "94"; tzin setProperty Volume "80"; s1 setTempo 560; -- 1 kick play; 17 bass play; 17 cymbals play; 18 cymbals stop; 29 bass setProperty ScaleStart "24"; 49 snare play; 49 cymbals play; 50 cymbals stop; 81 kick stop; 81 snare stop; 81 cymbals play; 82 cymbals stop; 103 bass setProperty ScaleStart "28"; 108 bass setProperty ScaleStart "24"; 118 bass setProperty ScaleStart "28"; 123 bass setProperty ScaleStart "24"; 123 kick play; 123 cymbals play; 124 cymbals stop; 123 synth2 play; 123 synth2 setProperty Pan "20"; 133 synth2 setProperty Pan "120"; 139 snare play; 139 cymbals play; 140 cymbals stop; 140 synth2 setProperty Pan "5"; 145 synth2 setProperty Pan "100"; 150 synth2 setProperty Pan "10"; 157 synth2 setProperty Pan "115"; 160 bass stop; 160 snare stop; 160 kick stop; 160 synth1 play; 160 synth1 setProperty Pan "100"; 160 cymbals play; 161 cymbals stop; 162 synth2 setProperty Pan "2"; 167 synth1 setProperty Pan "30"; 168 synth2 setProperty Pan "120"; 177 synth1 setProperty Pan "110"; 177 synth2 setProperty Pan "5"; 180 cymbals play; 180 cymbals setProperty DurationMin "16"; 180 cymbals setProperty DurationMax "32"; 180 cymbals setProperty Scale "Custom"; 180 cymbals setProperty ScaleLength "6"; 185 ride play; 185 synth2 setProperty Pan "115"; 190 synth2 setProperty Pan "5"; 192 cymbals setProperty Pan "30"; 192 ride setProperty Pan "110"; 197 synth2 setProperty Pan "120"; 205 synth2 setProperty Pan "2"; 212 synth2 setProperty Pan "125"; 215 cymbals setProperty IntensityMin "125"; 218 synth2 setProperty Pan "2"; 220 cymbals setProperty IntensityMax "90"; 220 cymbals setProperty IntensityMin "50"; 220 ride stop; 220 synth1 stop; 222 hatz play; 235 bass play; 235 fx play; 235 kick play; 280 synth1 play; 285 synth1 setProperty Pan "12"; 285 fx setProperty Pan "100"; 290 synth1 setProperty Pan "112"; 290 fx setProperty Pan "5"; 295 synth1 setProperty Pan "4"; 295 fx setProperty Pan "110"; 300 tzin play; 300 synth1 setProperty Pan "100"; 300 fx setProperty Pan "10"; 305 synth1 setProperty Pan "2"; 305 fx setProperty Pan "120"; 310 synth1 setProperty Pan "100"; 310 fx setProperty Pan "10"; 307 tzin setProperty ScaleStart "93"; 319 tzin setProperty ScaleStart "92"; 329 tzin setProperty ScaleStart "95"; 330 hatz stop; --