Seminars on Software Systems

Department of Computer Science
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
University of São Paulo

Coordinator: Rodrigo Moreira Barbosa <rodbar at>

Professors: Fabio Kon and Alfredo Goldman


If you are a student interested in giving a seminar during this semester, please reserve a date by sending an
e-mail to the coordinator with Cc: to the professors. Thank you!

Second Semester - 2004
(Mondays - 14h to 15h30min, Room A-252)
20th Roberto Augusto Giacomo da Motta
Graduate Student
Randomized Parallel Algorithms for Backtrack Search and Branch-and-Bound Computation resumo presentation
9th Cezar Monteiro Pirajá Neto
Graduate Student
Introduction to Auralization (16) resumo presentation
9th Fábio Katayama
Graduate Student
Scalable Algorithms for Complete Exchange on Multi-Cluster Networks (17) resumo presentation
6th Nelson Posse Lago
Graduate Student
News from the ICMC - International Computer Music resumo presentation
6th Alexandre Freire
Graduate Student
Test Driven Development, testing patterns and JWebUnit (15) resumo presentation
22nd Daniel de Angelis Cordeiro
Graduate Student
Achieving Scalability with Event-Driven Programming (13) resumo presentation
17th Giuliano Mega
Graduate Student
News from the OOPSLA/ETX (10) resumo presentation
17th Raphael Camargo
Master Student
News from the ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference (11) resumo presentation
17th Arlindo Flávio da Conceição
Master Student
News from the WebMedia/LA-Web 2004 (12) resumo presentation
8th Ivan Bittencourt de Araujo e Silva Neto
Graduate Student
JacORB over JXTA (9) resumo reference
13th Giuliano Mega
Graduate Student
Debugging Distributed Object Applications with the Eclipse Platform (5) abstract presentation
13th Raphael Camargo
Master Student
Checkpointing based Rollback Recovery for Parallel Applications on the InteGrade Grid Middleware (6) abstract presentation
13th Roberto Speicys Cardoso
Graduate Student
A Mobile Agent Infrastructure for QoS Negotiation of Adaptive Distributed Applications (7) abstract presentation
17th Prof. Joseph W. Yoder
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
A Framework for Financial Modeling (4) abstract presentation
First Semester - 2004
(Mondays - 14h to 15h30min, Room A-259)
12th André Thomas Kowaltowski et al
Undergraduate Student
Seminar on the Eclipse Project at IME-USP programa Not available
25th Vladimir Emiliano Moreira Rocha
Graduate Student
Overview of P2P Network (3) resumo presentation
21st Vera Nagamuta
Graduate Student
Seamless Handover on Wireless Mobile Networks resumo presentation
14th Emilio de Camargo Francesquini
Graduate Student
4-ation (2) resumo presentation
5th Prof. Roberto Ierusalimschy (PUC-Rio) Revisiting co-rotines (1) resumo presentation
22nd Eduardo Leal Guerra
Graduate Student
ProActive: A framework for paralell, distributed and cuncurrent computing with secutity and mobility. resumo presentation
8th Alexandre Freire
Graduate Student
Eclipse World news, right from EclipseCon 2004 resumo presentation

(1) On Wednesday, May 5th, at 14h. Location: Sala A-136.
(2) at 15h.
(3) On Friday, June 25th, at 14h. Location: Sala A-252.
(4) On Tuesday, August 17th, at 10h. Location: Anfiteatro Jacy Monteiro.
(5) On Wednesday, October 13th, at 13h. Location: Sala B-144.
(6) On Wednesday, October 13th, at 13h40min. Location: Sala B-144.
(7) On Wednesday, October 13th, at 14h20min. Location: Sala B-144.
(9) At 15h.
(10) On Wednesday, November 17th, at 14h. Location: Sala B-3.
(11) On Wednesday, November 17th, at 14h50min. Location: Sala B-3.
(12) On Wednesday, November 17th, at 15h40min. Location: Sala B-3.
(13) At 15h.
(15) At 15h.
(16) On Thursday, at 14h. Location: Sala A-268
(17) On Thursday, at 14h50min. Location: Sala A-268

Seminars presented in previous years:

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