From VisualWorks® NonCommercial, 7.2 of November 3, 2003 on June 13, 2004 at 7:20:12 pm MarcadorDeReuniaoTest Smalltalk XProgramming.SUnit.TestCase false none ale kon dia15mes4de2004 dia16mes4de2004 dia17mes4de2004 dia18mes4de2004 dia19mes4de2004 dia20mes4de2004 listaDeParticipantesDaDiretoria marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera joao jose maria ana listaDeParticipantesDaGalera as8horas as2horasDaManha as10horas aoMeioDia as14horas as16horas as18horas as20horas aMeiaNoite ColoqueONomeDoSeuPacoteAqui ColoqueONomeDoSeuPacoteAqui MarcadorDeReuniaoTest testing setUp marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria := MarcadorDeReuniao new. marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera := MarcadorDeReuniao new. dia15mes4de2004 := Date newDay: 15 monthNumber: 4 year: 2004. dia16mes4de2004 := Date newDay: 16 monthNumber: 4 year: 2004. dia17mes4de2004 := Date newDay: 17 monthNumber: 4 year: 2004. dia18mes4de2004 := Date newDay: 18 monthNumber: 4 year: 2004. dia19mes4de2004 := Date newDay: 19 monthNumber: 4 year: 2004. dia20mes4de2004 := Date newDay: 20 monthNumber: 4 year: 2004. as8horas := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '8:00'). as10horas := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '10:00'). aoMeioDia := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '12:00pm'). as14horas := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '14:00'). as16horas := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '16:00'). as18horas := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '18:00'). as20horas := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '20:00'). aMeiaNoite := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '12:00am'). as2horasDaManha := Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '2:00am'). ale := ''. kon := ''. joao := ''. jose := ''. maria := ''. ana := ''. (listaDeParticipantesDaDiretoria := OrderedCollection new) add: ale. listaDeParticipantesDaDiretoria add: kon. (listaDeParticipantesDaGalera := OrderedCollection new) add: ale. listaDeParticipantesDaGalera add: kon. listaDeParticipantesDaGalera add: joao. listaDeParticipantesDaGalera add: jose. listaDeParticipantesDaGalera add: maria. listaDeParticipantesDaGalera add: ana. self marcaUmaReuniaoDaDiretoria. self marcaUmaReuniao. ^self testSobreposicaoComHoraQuebrada marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: (Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '3:30pm'))) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: (Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '4:27pm'))). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: kon de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: (Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '3:46pm'))) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: (Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: '5:30pm'))). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria mostraSobreposicao. ^self testAdicionaDisponibilidadeComComecoAntesDoInicio " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." | t1 | t1 := Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: Time now. self should: [marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: t1 a: (t1 addSeconds: 6000)] raise: GenericException. ^self testAdicionaDisponibilidadeComFimAntesDoComeco " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." | comeco | comeco := (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas). self should: [marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: comeco a: (comeco subtractSeconds: 6000)] raise: GenericException. ^self testAdicionaDisponibilidadeDeParticipanteQueNaoExiste " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." self should: [marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: 'desconhecido' de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas)] raise: GenericException. ^self testAdicionaDisponibilidadeDepoisDoFim " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." | t1 | t1 := Timestamp fromDate: (dia20mes4de2004 addDays: 1) andTime: Time now. self should: [marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: t1 a: (t1 addSeconds: 6000)] raise: GenericException. ^self testSobreposicaoComplexa marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia16mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia16mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia17mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia17mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia20mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia20mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: kon de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: as8horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as20horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: joao de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: as2horasDaManha) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia16mes4de2004 andTime: as20horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: joao de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: aMeiaNoite) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as2horasDaManha). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: joao de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia20mes4de2004 andTime: as10horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia20mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: jose de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: jose de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia16mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia16mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: jose de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia17mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia17mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: jose de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: maria de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia17mes4de2004 andTime: as8horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia17mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: maria de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as8horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: maria de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as8horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: maria de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia20mes4de2004 andTime: as10horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia20mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ana de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia15mes4de2004 andTime: as8horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia20mes4de2004 andTime: as2horasDaManha). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera mostraSobreposicao. ^self testSobreposicaoComUmCaraQuePodeDois " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: kon de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera indicaDisponibilidadeDe: maria de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera mostraSobreposicao. ^self testSobreposicaoComUmCaraSoh marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as20horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia19mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as18horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria mostraSobreposicao. testSobreposicaoSemSolucao " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: ale de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as16horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria indicaDisponibilidadeDe: kon de: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: aoMeioDia) a: (Timestamp fromDate: dia18mes4de2004 andTime: as14horas). marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria mostraSobreposicao. ^self MarcadorDeReuniaoTest private marcaUmaReuniao " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." marcadorDaReuniaoDaGalera marqueReuniaoEntre: dia15mes4de2004 E: dia20mes4de2004 comParticipantes: listaDeParticipantesDaGalera. ^self marcaUmaReuniaoDaDiretoria " ***This is decompiled code.*** The source was unavailable because the source pointer appears to point to an incorrect position in the file. The file may have been modified after this method was updated." marcadorDaReuniaoDaDiretoria marqueReuniaoEntre: dia18mes4de2004 E: dia20mes4de2004 comParticipantes: listaDeParticipantesDaDiretoria. ^self