Playing along with D'Accord Guitar

Giordano Cabral
Izabel Zanforlin
Rodrigo Lima
Hugo Santana
Geber Ramalho

Centro de Informática - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Caixa Postal 7851 - CEP 50732-970 - Recife (PE) - Brasil


This paper presents D'Accord Guitar, an innovative environment for learning, editing and performing music. D'Accord Guitar can be seen as an Instrumental Performance System (IPS). In order to improve musical notation completeness, providing equally an intuitive user interface, this kind of system shows the music performance directly on a virtual instrument displayed on the computer screen. Unfortunately, the current IPS exhibit various limitations: they are hardly editable, or not editable at all, they are not enough interactive and their interface is not fully adequate for string instruments. D'Accord Guitar combines various features of the current IPS and other musical tools in order to provide a user-friendly multi-function interface.