Towards complete physical modelling synthesis of performance characteristics in the violin

Jan-Markus Holm

Department of Music, University of Jyväskylä,
Seminaarinkatu 15, P.O.Box 35,
FIN-40351 Jyväskylä


This paper discusses the need for total performance capabilities of a playable physically modeled violin by means of precise left-hand finger interaction within the system. The paper describes the design of a violin physical model, in which the computational need for adjacent string fingering performance of playing is minimized. The main focus of this paper is on the principles of developing a convincing physical model for the complete tonal range of sound synthesis of the violin. The realistic tonal beaviour of modelled strings compared to adjacent strings of a real instrument, and multiple-stopping performance techniques (e.g. when a 4-pitch chord is played using "quadruple- stop"). This enables the interaction of the string with the left-hand fingering. The artistic performance using physical modelling synthesis is shown to be feasible by using only two string models. The system also considers symphatetic coupling between different parts of modelled instruments in connection to expressive performance of the violin.