Middleware 2003

ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference

Rio Othon Palace Hotel

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

16-20 June 2003

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Website Mirror at the University of São Paulo

Tutorial 1: Comparing J2EE and .NET


J2EE and Microsoft .NET denote competing solutions for building sophisticated enterprise applications. While J2EE is considered a wide-spread, mature, and proven solution, Microsoft .NET offers tight XML and XML Web services integration, multi-language support and many other new features. For developers it is hence important to understand the similarities and differences between these two solution in order to decide which technology to use for which kind of development project. The tutorial will reveal these issues in a step-by-step approach.

Target Audience

Familiarity with object-oriented technologies. Knowledge in Java is helpful.

Speaker Profile

Michael Stal is Senior Principal Engineer at Siemens responsible for research on Middleware and Application Integration. Michael focuses on Distributed Objects & Components, Software  Architecture, and Web technologies. He is co-author of Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume I&II, Siemens representative at the OMG, former member of the C++ X3J16 standardization working group, and editor-in-chief of Java Spektrum.

Latest update: 28 May 2003 - Questions and Comments about the Site: fmc@inf.ufg.br