Middleware 2003

ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference

Rio Othon Palace Hotel

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

16-20 June 2003

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The workshops track is becoming a tradition in the Middleware series of conferences. They are an excellent opportunity to bring together researchers and academics working on the forefront of middleware research, providing an atmosphere that encourages interaction, interchange and cooperation. Following this principle, the Middleware2003 committee has selected four exciting workshops to be hosted in conjunction with the main conference (follow this link for the original Call for Workshop Proposals). All workshops will be held as full-day events on Tuesday, June 17th.

Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing

Organizer: Paddy Nixon - Strathclyde University (UK)

This workshop seeks to develop, through establishing the state of the art, a roadmap for research on essential software infrastructures for ad-hoc and pervasive computing. We seek papers on these core areas of middleware for ad-hoc and pervasive systems: focusing on the specific problems of large scale, real world, pervasive computing environments through the identification of appropriate core architectures, languages, and systems.

Reflective and Adaptive Middleware Systems

Organizer: Angelo Corsaro - University of California at Irvine (USA)

The goal of this workshop is to gather researchers on adaptive and reflective middleware to gain insight on their experiences and new ideas in adaptive and reflective middleware. Building off RM2000, an earlier successful workshop at Middleware2000, this workshop will report on the state-of-the-art progress in adaptive and reflective middleware, as well as codify the challenging R&D problems that still need to be solved effectively.

Middleware for Grid Computing

Organizer: Bruno Schulze - National Scientific Computing Laboratory (Brazil)

The main goal of this workshop is particularly focused in looking into Grid Middleware in the light of other middleware activities, bringing together the different middleware traditions, such as the classic Grid Middleware people, people looking at Object-Oriented or Component Middleware, and the Open Grid Service Architecture / Web services people.

Model-driven Approaches to Middleware Applications Development (MAMAD)

Organizer: Keith Duddy - DSTC (Australia)

This workshop aims at bringing together people working on tools and approaches to model-driven development which targets middleware platforms. Participants will be theoreticians and practitioners who use OMG's MDA or RM-ODP style approaches to modelling of systems. We seek experiences and approaches to transforming models in SDL, STEP and other ADLs; or UML, MOF and CWM among other modelling langaues into code and other artifacts (or models thereof) specific to a middleware platform. Target platforms of interest include CORBA, J2EE, .NET, Web Services, Workflow, Messaging or EAI frameworks. Participants are encouraged to bring demonstrations of transformation or software generation plugins, tools and prototypes.

Important Dates

Paper submissions 20 February 2003
Notification of acceptance 20 March 2003
Camera-ready of accepted papers 20 April 2003
Workshops 17th June 2003

Additional Information

Publication and format of the proceedings for each workshop will be the responsibility of the respective organizing committees. Participation in a particular workshop will be subject to the following conditions: registration for the main Conference as well as for the particular workshop (a complementary workshop fee will be applicable), and acceptance at that workshop.

Prof. Gordon Blair

Middleware2003 Advanced Workshops Chair

Department of Computing

Lancaster University


Lancaster LA1 4YR


Tel: +44 1524 593809

Fax: +44 1524 593608

E-mail: gordon@comp.lancs.ac.uk


Latest update: 28 May 2003 - Questions and Comments about the Site: fmc@inf.ufg.br