Website Mirror at the University of São Paulo |
Call For Workshop Proposals(This call is now over! Please check this page for the selected workshops) The Middleware Program Committee invites proposals for the Workshop Program of Middleware 2003 to be held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2003. There have been successful workshops at the two previous Middleware events in New York and Heidelberg. This year the organizers are keen to build on this success and expand the workshop program. Workshops should be on any topic related to middleware, and will be typically full day in length. (Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th June have been reserved for this purpose.) Attendees at workshops must register for the main conference. Requirements for SubmissionYou should prepare a brief description of the intended workshop not to exceed 4 pages, and containing the following information:
The workshops chair is also happy to discuss proposals in advance of the submission date. The Submission ProcedureAll proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to gordon@comp.lancs.ac.uk in one of the following formats - plain ASCII text, .pdf or .ps - as soon as possible, but not later than October 20th, 2002. Notification of acceptance: November 11th, 2002. As soon as a workshop proposal is accepted for Middleware 2003, each workshop organizing committee will be responsible for producing a Call for Papers and a Call for Participation in the workshop and select the participants. Additional InformationPublication and format of the proceedings for each workshop will be the responsibility of the respective organizing committees. Participation in a particular workshop will be subject to the following conditions: registration for the main Conference as well as for the particular workshop (a complementary workshop fee will be applicable), and acceptance at that workshop.
Latest update: 28 May 2003 - Questions and Comments about the Site: fmc@inf.ufg.br |